S&S Art Skins
Sully & Son Co. creator George Sully, has always had a fondness for fellow creators from all walks of life and backgrounds. Self - taught with no formal education, Sully was and is still no stranger to un-orthodox ways of navigating the industry and how to self promote. So it didn’t take long for Sully to figure out yet another a unique way to feature his artists friends, all the while, doing his part in exploring new ways to re-purpose materials most often discarded. With this in mind, Sully created S&S Art Skins, an alternative gate way of sorts to circulate the art of his favourite local artists friends through his own sneaker boxes, turning a mere shoe box into a beautifully decorated work of art repurposed for endless use!
The S&S Art Skins series will feature an ever growing catalogue of artwork skins from his favourite local artist friends for you to choose from.
Shane Winrow - UNLOCKED
**Randomly selected recipients will receive 1/25 signed and numbered 8x10 Shane Winrow Prints in their sneaker box. (Limited Time Only)**
Shane Winrow is a self-taught Toronto born multidisciplinary artist. Shane often expresses his artwork through calculated hand maneuvers mainly using acrylic’s as his medium. Count on Winrow's works to offer calming fluxes of strokes with the occasional burst of mixed media elements that range from spray paint to oil pastels and collaging. Winrow's life long vehemence for art, fashion, photography and design have also played a part in his artistic journey. His pieces often begin with bold colours and layers upon layers that tend to step heavily into a dream like state or become very existential of his feeling, emotions and music also coming into play as well. ShaneWinrow.com
Komi Olaf - UNLOCKED
Komi Olaf - UNLOCKED
Komi Olafimihan is a visual artist, poet and architectural designer who is best known for his ability to represent, both visually and poetically, the complexities of the world and generation he finds himself within. In recent years, Komi’s art has been shaped by a cultural and artistic movement known as Afrofuturism, which explores African and African diasporic cultures in intersection with technology. KomiOlaf.com

Andrew Patterson - UNLOCKED
Toronto-based artist and designer, working to challenge myths and ideas regarding identity. We need new fiction.
Don't drink from the mainstream. AndrewPatterson.ca
Don't drink from the mainstream. AndrewPatterson.ca
Michael Byers - UNLOCKED
Michael Byers uses his optimistic and whimsical attitude to create fun, dynamic, and emotionally driven illustrations. His line work is deliberate and full of energy achieving an instant organic feel to his images. MichaelByers.com
Sheldon Esency - UNLOCKED
A journey/exploration of energy, meaning, & spirituality through art. Sheldon Esency